आदिवासी लोग होली क्यु नही जलाते?
दोस्तों, जैसा कि मैंने बताया इतिहास गूंगा होता है, इतिहास तो इतिहास होता है। बहुत सारे लोगों ने कहा इसलिए इतिहास लिखा जाता है, बहुत सारी किवदंतियां(आम तौर पर किवदंती किसी पौराणिक या किसी अन्य स्रोत से उत्पन्न सुनी और सुनायी जाने वाली लघुकथा को कहा जाता है) प्रचलित होती है इसलिए इतिहास लिखा जाता है।
यहां पर बताया जाता है कि आर्यो के ग्रंथों के अनुसार पाँच हज़ार साल पहले का इतिहास यहाँ पर लिखा गया है , लेकिन मैं जो बताता हूँ वो 35 हज़ार करोड़ साल यहाँ पर इतिहास है और जो आदिवासी इतिहास कहते हैं वो इतिहास है क्या? आदिवासियों का ऐसा कौन सा ग्रन्थ है जहाँ पर धर्म और संस्कृति पाई जाती है? ऐसा कोई भी धर्म नहीं है फिर भी आदिवासी यहाँ पर अपनी संस्कृति बनाए रखता है चाहे वो झारखंड का हो, चाहे वह महाराष्ट्र का हो, चाहे बिहार का हो, चाहे आसाम का हो, सभी आदिवासी इस नेचर की प्रकृति की रक्षा करते हैं। और यही तो बात है दोस्तों की। यहाँ पर बहुत सारी ऐसी किवदंतियां है जिसकी उत्पत्ति को लेकर ये लोग आज भी अपना संघर्ष जारी कर रहे हैं। इनकी अलग कथा है इनके इनका अलग हिस्ट्री है और मैं आज यह बताने जा रहा हूँ कि होली के बारे में कुछ आदिवासी लोग ऐसे है कि वो बोलते है कि होली जलाना भी पाप है। तो दोस्तों आपको ये सुनने में इंटरेस्ट होगा अगर किसी को लगता है कि यह कथा झूठ है तो मैं तो ऐसा मानता हूँ कि ऐसी बहुत सारी पौराणिक कथा है वो झूठ मानी जा सकती है लेकिन वो समुदाय वो समाज मानता है तो उस कथा को वो अपने सर पर बिठाता भी है। तो दोस्तों होली का अगर आपको लगता है कि मैं होली के बारे में बता रहा हूँ तो ऐसा एक मैंने पहले भी कह दिया है लेकिन जो मैंने बताया है वो गोंडवाना की किताब में था। लेकिन देश में ऐसे कई आदिवासी हैं जो वो सिस्टम नहीं मानता और अपनी अलग सिस्टम बांधता है। चलिए दोस्तों इस को शुरू करते हैं और जानते हैं इस होली के तथ्य के बारे में।
जैसे। दोस्तों हमेशा की तरह मैं कुछ ना कुछ इंटरेस्टिंग लेकर आता हूँ और आप भी सुनते हैं उसके लिए धन्यवाद। चलिए दोस्तों इस कहानी को शुरू करते। दोस्तों ये स्टोरी जो मैं बताने जा रहा हूँ ये कहानी सबसे अलग है क्योंकि आदिवासियों को पौराणिक कथाओं में दैत्य, राक्षस, असुर कहा गया है। इन तीनों का अर्थ होता है राक्षस जो जंगल में रहते हैं, जो बडे बडे होते हैं, बडे बडे हाथ पैर होते हैं उनको सींग होते हैं। ऐसे राक्षस जिनको असुर कहा जाता है। आदिवासी लोगों की स्टोरी भी इनके विपरीत है। आदिवासी लोगों के स्टोरी में नायक कौन है? महिषासुर जिसके नाम में भी असुर है। असुर यानी राक्षस। महिषासुर आदिवासियों का देवत है रावण। यह भी आदिवासी का देवत है और मैं बताने जा रहा हूँ हिरण्यकश्यप यह भी दैत्य वाला आदमी है यानी असुर के श्रेणी में आता है। अब अगर आप बोलेंगे कि असुर की श्रेणी में क्यों आता है तो आदिवासी ऐसे कई लोग हैं जो असुर की पूजा करते हैं। यानी हम मानते हैं कि हम आर्यों की औलाद नहीं है। हम इस देश के मूलनिवासी है और इतिहास भी वैसे ही बताते आता है। अगर लॉजिक लगा लगाया जाए तो हमारा और आर्यों का कोई संबंध नहीं है।
तो दोस्तों होलिका के बारे में मैं बताऊंगा क्योंकि आदिवासी लोग होली जलाते क्यों नहीं है? यह स्टोरी क्या है? इसमें इंटरेस्ट आएगा आपको और यह कहानी मैं आज शुरू करता हूँ। जैसे कि आपने कहानी सुनी भक्त प्रह्लाद की या दोस्तों हिरण्यकश्यप का बेटा भक्त प्रह्लाद के अपने कहानी सुनी और कहानी में आपको लगता है कि हिरण्यकश्यप एक गुंडा था, मवाली था यानी विलन था और उसका जो बेटा था, जो नारायण नारायण विष्णु का जाप करता था, वह हीरो था। कहानी को ऐसे दिखाया गया। लेकिन मैं बताता हूँ कि दो अगर राजा युद्ध करते हैं और एक राजा जीत जाता है तो उसकी तो कहानी लिखी जाती है। लेकिन जो राजा हारता है क्या उसकी कहानी नहीं होती? जो राजा हार जाता है, जिसकी प्रजा हार जाती है, क्या उसकी कहानी नहीं होती? तो इसलिए हारे हुए राजा की भी कहानी होती है। लेकिन इतिहास बोलता है कि नहीं, बोलता है तो हम बोलेंगे।
तो दोस्तो, हिरण्यकश्यप जो राजा था वह माना जाता है। राजा ऐसा था कि आर्यों को अपने महल में तो छोडो अपने रियासत में भी आने नहीं देता था। आर्यों का बहुत बहुत गुस्सा उस हिरण्यकश्यप के दिमाग में था और वह आज भी बहुत सारे लोगों में है तो यह आर्य लोग भटकाते हैं, हमारे कोया पुनेम के साथ हमको भटकाते हैं ऐसा कहा जाता था और हिरण्यकश्यप ने सभी अपने प्रजा को बोल दिया कि कोई पुण्य का मार्ग अपनाओ यानी गोंडी धर्म का मार्ग अपनाओ और बाकी सब जो आर्य आर्य बताते हैं उसका छोड दो। लेकिन बात यह थी कि हिरण्यकश्यपु के जो रियासत थी उसके इर्द गिर्द पूरा आर्यों ने कब्जा कर लिया था। सिर्फ बाकी था। हिरण्यकश्यप का राज्य हिरण्यकश्यप राजा था और हिरण्यकश्यप जब तक था तब तक आर्यों को अपने महल में भी आने नहीं देता था। इतना भारी हिरण्यकश्यप राजा था। हिरण्यकश्यप को बहुत सारा ज्ञान था ।
तो दोस्तो, आर्यों को लगा कि हिरण्यकश्यप तो हमारे झांसे में नहीं आ रहा। हिरण्यकश्यप हमें हमारे महल में नहीं ले जाने दे तो हम क्या करेंगे? इसके बाद ब्रेनवॉश किया गया। भक्त प्रह्लाद जो आप नाम सुनते हैं, भक्त भी लगाते हैं, तो ब्रेनवॉश किया गया प्रह्लाद था, जो हिरण्यकश्यप का छोटा बेटा था, उसको बताया गया कि नहीं, यह विष्णु महाराज ही बराबर है। हिरण्यकश्यप का मत सुनो और बात ऐसी चली। प्रह्लाद का ब्रेनवाश हो गया। उसके बाद प्रह्लाद आर्यों के देवों के गुणगान गाने लगा। हिरण्यकश्यप को यह बात अच्छी नहीं लगी, तो हिरण्यकश्यप ने कहा कि बेटा तुझे अगर इस महल में रहना है तो यह बात छोड दे और कोई पुण्य का मार्ग अपना ले। लेकिन उसके बेटे का ब्रेनवाश था। उसका बेटा बाहर पढने जाता तो उसका ब्रेनवॉश होता था कि जाता था की यही तुम्हारे देव है, यही तुम्हारे भगवान है। तुम्हारा पिता जो बोलता है, वह असुर जो तुम्हारा पिता बोलता है, वह गलत है। यह जो कहानी बताई जाती है गोंडी संस्कृति में हमारे आदिवासी लोग कहते हैं। इस कहानी में हिरण्यकश्यप ने अपने बेटे को बिल्कुल हानि नहीं पहुंचाई। उसको कहीं से ढकेल भी नहीं दिया इसको कहीं से जलाया भी नहीं है। लेकिन कहानी कुछ अलग बताती है कि बाप ने ही बेटे पर अत्याचार किया। यह हमारी आदिवासी संस्कृति में है ही नहीं। यह भक्त प्रह्लाद की बात हो गई। लेकिन जब की ये लोग ऋषि बनकर दरबार में रात में आकर उन्होंने हल्ला कर दिया, । ऋषि के पास जो हथियार होते हैं उससे हिरण्यकश्यप को गला दबा कर मार दिया गया उसका पेट फाड़ दिया। हिरण्यकश्यप को मारा गया। फटकार स्थान से जब हिरण्यकशिपु रात में सोया हुआ था, उसके बाद हिरण्यकश्यप के बीवी और बाकी सब लोगों को मार दिया गया। इस आर्यों के द्वारा फिर बची हिरण्यकश्यप की एक बहन जिसका नाम होलिका था। ऐसा बताया जाता है कि होली का बहुत सुंदर और निराकार थी। हिरण्यकश्यप की बहन को रातों रात बलात्कार किया गया। उसको निर्वस्त्र करके जला दिया गया। बलात्कार होने के बाद और जिस होलिका को जलाया गया वह आदिवासी लोग आज भी कहते हैं कि हम होली नहीं जलाएंगे। इसके पीछे दूसरा भी एक साइंटिफिक रीजन यह है कि आदिवासी लोग कभी पेड पेडों की बर्बादी नहीं चाहते। इसलिए भी यह होली नहीं जलाई जाती है। एक तर्क ऐसा है कि होलिका हमारी आदिवासी स्त्री जिसको बलात्कार करके जला दिया गया। इसलिए आदिवासी होलिका नहीं जलाते । बहुत सारे शहरों में अगर आप देखते होंगे तो होली के दिन बहुत बडी होलिका की प्रतिमा शहर में घुमाई जाती ऐसे भी अनगिनत बहुत सारे किस्से हैं जिनमें होलिका की मूर्ति बिठाकर उसकी पूजा की जाती है।
दोस्तों, दैत्य, असुर, राक्षस ये नाम जो आर्यों ने दिए हैं ये नाम आदिवासियों को दिए और यह इतिहास को समझ लेना। अगर कोई इस पोस्ट को देखने के बाद कमेंट करता है कि भाई यह तो तुम गलत बता रहे हो भाई। किवदंती है आदिवासी समाज में मैं अभी छत्तीसगढ और एमपी में कभी जाता हूं तो बुजुर्ग लोगों के बीच में बैठता हूं। उनकी बातें सुनता हूं और उनकी बातें सुनने के बाद मैं देखता हूं कि किसी किताब में इनकी कथाएं नहीं है। लेकिन अपने कथाओं के अनुसार ये लोग आचरण करते हैं। तो दोस्तों यह कथा भी आपके सामने लाना जरूरी था क्योंकि हिरण्य कश्यप का जो बाते है बताने का जरुरी है। भक्त प्रह्लाद के बारे में वह बिल्कुल अलग है। हमारे लोगों के दिल में भक्त प्रह्लाद मालूम है लेकिन हिरण्यकश्यप को एक अच्छा और क्रांतिकारी राजा था ये किसी ने नहीं बताया। इसलिए दोस्तों आदिवासी बहुत सारे ऐसे समुदाय है। मैं बताऊंगा कि 700 से अधिक जातियां इस भारत में आदिवासियों की 700 जातियों में 700 कथा है। आप सुन सकते हो कि यह कथा कहां से आ रही है। महिषासुर भी हमारे राजा थे, हिरणकश्यप भी हमारे राजा थे और राजा रावण, गोंड, राजा रावण ये भी हमारे राजा थे। तो मैं सभी को बताऊंगा। इतिहास सुनते जाए, पढते जाए अगर किताब में न हो तो अपने बुजुर्गों से सुने। उनकी किवदंती सुने, उसको लिखकर रखें क्योंकि अगर हम यह लिखकर ना रखेंगे तो हमारा इतिहास कहीं गुम हो जाएगा। तो दोस्तों यह होलीकावाली स्टोरी अगर आपको समझ में आयी तो इसके लिए आप कमेंट करके बता सकते हैं यह स्टोरी कैसे लगी और मैं ऐसे टॉपिक और ऐसे ही पोस्ट लाता रहूँगा रहूंगा। मिलते हैं अगले टॉपिक, अगले पोस्ट के साथ तब तक के लिए जैसे।
जय जोहार जय आदिवासी। जब हमारा जय।
Tribal people why not burn Holi ?
Friends, as I said, history is dumb, history is history. As many people have said, that is why history is written, so many legends (generally a short story heard and retold originating from a mythological or any other source) are prevalent, that is why history is written.
It is told here that according to the texts of Aryans, the history of five thousand years ago has been written here, but what I tell is the history of 35 thousand crore years here and what the tribals say is history, is that history? Which is the book of tribals where religion and culture is found? There is no such religion, yet the tribals maintain their culture here, be it from Jharkhand, be it from Maharashtra, be it from Bihar, be it from Assam, all the tribals protect this nature. And that’s the thing about friends. There are many such legends here regarding the origin of which these people are still continuing their struggle. They have a different story, they have a different history and today I am going to tell that about Holi, some tribal people say that even burning Holi is a sin. So friends, you will be interested to hear this. If someone thinks that this story is a lie, then I believe that there are many such mythological stories, they can be considered a lie, but if that community or society believes in it, then they will consider that story as their own. Also makes him sit on the head. So friends, about Holi, if you think that I am telling about Holi, then I have said something like this before but what I have told was in the book of Gondwana. But there are many tribals in the country who do not accept that system and follow their own system. Let’s start friends and know about the facts of this Holi.
As. Friends, as always I bring something interesting and you also listen, thank you for that. Let’s start this story friends. Friends, this story that I am going to tell is different from all others because the tribals have been called demons, demons and demons in mythology. These three mean demons who live in the forest, who are big, have big hands and legs, they have horns. Such demons are called Asuras. The story of tribal people is also opposite to this. Who is the hero in the story of tribal people? Mahishasura whose name also has Asur. Asur means demon. Ravana is the god of Mahishasur tribals. This is also a tribal god and I am going to tell you that Hiranyakashyap is also a demonic man i.e. comes in the category of demon. Now if you ask why it comes in the category of Asura, then there are many tribal people who worship Asura. That means we believe that we are not the children of Aryans. We are the original inhabitants of this country and history also tells us the same. If logic is applied then there is no relation between us and the Aryans. So friends, I will tell you about Holika because why do tribal people not burn Holi? What is this story? You will be interested in this and I will start this story today. Like you heard the story of devotee Prahlad or friends, you heard the story of devotee Prahlad, son of Hiranyakashyap and in the story you feel that Hiranyakashyap was a goon, a mawali i.e. a villain and his son used to chant Narayan Narayan Vishnu. , he was a hero. The story was shown like this. But I tell you that if two kings fight and one king wins, then its story is written. But isn’t there a story about the king who loses? Is there not a story about the king who is defeated and whose subjects are defeated? So that is why there is also a story of a defeated king. But whether history speaks or not, if it does, we will speak.
So friends, Hiranyakashyap is considered to be the king. The king was such that he did not allow the Aryans to come to his kingdom, leave alone his palace. There was a lot of anger of the Aryans in the mind of that Hiranyakashyap and it is there even today in many people, so it was said that these Aryan people mislead us, they mislead us with our Koya Punem and Hiranyakashyap told all his subjects that no one Follow the path of virtue i.e. follow the path of Gondi Dharma and leave aside what everyone else says as Arya Arya. But the thing was that the entire kingdom around Hiranyakashipu had been captured by the Aryans. Only that was left. Hiranyakashyap’s kingdom Hiranyakashyap was the king and till the time Hiranyakashyap was there, he did not even allow the Aryans to come to his palace. King Hiranyakashyap was so heavy. Hiranyakashyap had a lot of knowledge.
So friends, the Aryans felt that Hiranyakashyap was not falling for their tricks. What will we do if Hiranyakashipu does not let us take him to our palace? After this brainwashing was done. When you hear the name ‘Bhakta Prahlad’, even the devotees use it, then it was Prahlad who was brainwashed, who was the younger son of Hiranyakashyap, he was told that no, he is equal to Vishnu Maharaj. Don’t listen to Hiranyakashipu and the conversation went like this. Prahlad was brainwashed. After that Prahlad started singing praises of the Aryan gods. Hiranyakashyap did not like this thing, so Hiranyakashyap said that son, if you want to live in this palace then leave this matter and adopt the path of some virtue. But his son was brainwashed. Whenever his son went out to study, he was brainwashed that he was your god.This is your God. Whatever your father says, whatever the devil your father says, is wrong. This story which is told is told by our tribal people in Gondi culture. In this story Hiranyakashipu did not harm his son at all. Neither was it pushed from anywhere nor was it burnt from anywhere. But the story tells something different that it was the father who tortured the son. This does not exist in our tribal culture. This became the matter of devotee Prahlad. But when these people came to the court at night posing as sages, they created a ruckus. Hiranyakashipu was strangled to death with the weapons the sage had and his stomach was torn open. Hiranyakashyap was killed. From the place of rebuke, when Hiranyakashipu was sleeping at night, Hiranyakashipu’s wife and all the other people were killed. Through these Aryans, Hiranyakashyap again had a sister whose name was Holika. It is said that Holi was very beautiful and formless. Hiranyakashyap’s sister was raped overnight. He was stripped and burnt. Even after the rape and the burning of Holika, the tribal people still say that they will not burn Holi. Another scientific reason behind this is that tribal people never want destruction of trees. That’s why this Holi is not lit. There is an argument that Holika was our tribal woman who was raped and burnt. That is why tribals do not burn Holika. If you have seen in many cities, on the day of Holi, a huge idol of Holika is taken around the city, there are countless such stories in which Holika idol is placed and worshipped.
Friends, Daitya, Asur, Rakshas, these names which were given by Aryans, these names were given to the tribals and understand this history. If someone comments after seeing this post that brother, you are saying this wrong. There is a legend in the tribal community that whenever I go to Chhattisgarh and MP, I sit among the elderly people. I listen to them and after listening to them I see that their stories are not in any book. But these people behave according to their stories. So friends, it was necessary to bring this story before you because it is important to tell what Hiranya Kashyap has to say. He is completely different about devotee Prahlad. Our people know that Prahlad was a devotee but no one told that Hiranyakashyap was a good and revolutionary king. That’s why friends, there are many such tribal communities. I will tell you that there are more than 700 castes in this India. There are 700 stories among the 700 castes of the tribals. You can hear where this narrative is coming from. Mahishasura was also our king, Hiranyakashyap was also our king and King Ravana, Gond, King Ravana were also our kings. So I will tell everyone. Keep listening to history, keep reading it, if it is not in the books then listen to it from your elders. Listen to their legend, write it down because if we do not write it down, our history will be lost somewhere. So friends, if you understood this Holikawali story, then you can comment and tell how you liked this story and I will keep bringing such topics and similar posts. See you with the next topic, next post till then like.
Jai Johar, Jai Adivasi.
It is told here that according to the texts of Aryans, the history of five thousand years ago has been written here, but what I tell is the history of 35 thousand crore years here and what the tribals say is history, is that history? Which is the book of tribals where religion and culture is found? There is no such religion, yet the tribals maintain their culture here, be it from Jharkhand, be it from Maharashtra, be it from Bihar, be it from Assam, all the tribals protect this nature. And that’s the thing about friends. There are many such legends here regarding the origin of which these people are still continuing their struggle. They have a different story, they have a different history and today I am going to tell that about Holi, some tribal people say that even burning Holi is a sin. So friends, you will be interested to hear this. If someone thinks that this story is a lie, then I believe that there are many such mythological stories, they can be considered a lie, but if that community or society believes in it, then they will consider that story as their own. Also makes him sit on the head. So friends, about Holi, if you think that I am telling about Holi, then I have said something like this before but what I have told was in the book of Gondwana. But there are many tribals in the country who do not accept that system and follow their own system. Let’s start friends and know about the facts of this Holi.
As. Friends, as always I bring something interesting and you also listen, thank you for that. Let’s start this story friends. Friends, this story that I am going to tell is different from all others because the tribals have been called demons, demons and demons in mythology. These three mean demons who live in the forest, who are big, have big hands and legs, they have horns. Such demons are called Asuras. The story of tribal people is also opposite to this. Who is the hero in the story of tribal people? Mahishasura whose name also has Asur. Asur means demon. Ravana is the god of Mahishasur tribals. This is also a tribal god and I am going to tell you that Hiranyakashyap is also a demonic man i.e. comes in the category of demon. Now if you ask why it comes in the category of Asura, then there are many tribal people who worship Asura. That means we believe that we are not the children of Aryans. We are the original inhabitants of this country and history also tells us the same. If logic is applied then there is no relation between us and the Aryans. So friends, I will tell you about Holika because why do tribal people not burn Holi? What is this story? You will be interested in this and I will start this story today. Like you heard the story of devotee Prahlad or friends, you heard the story of devotee Prahlad, son of Hiranyakashyap and in the story you feel that Hiranyakashyap was a goon, a mawali i.e. a villain and his son used to chant Narayan Narayan Vishnu. , he was a hero. The story was shown like this. But I tell you that if two kings fight and one king wins, then its story is written. But isn’t there a story about the king who loses? Is there not a story about the king who is defeated and whose subjects are defeated? So that is why there is also a story of a defeated king. But whether history speaks or not, if it does, we will speak.
So friends, Hiranyakashyap is considered to be the king. The king was such that he did not allow the Aryans to come to his kingdom, leave alone his palace. There was a lot of anger of the Aryans in the mind of that Hiranyakashyap and it is there even today in many people, so it was said that these Aryan people mislead us, they mislead us with our Koya Punem and Hiranyakashyap told all his subjects that no one Follow the path of virtue i.e. follow the path of Gondi Dharma and leave aside what everyone else says as Arya Arya. But the thing was that the entire kingdom around Hiranyakashipu had been captured by the Aryans. Only that was left. Hiranyakashyap’s kingdom Hiranyakashyap was the king and till the time Hiranyakashyap was there, he did not even allow the Aryans to come to his palace. King Hiranyakashyap was so heavy. Hiranyakashyap had a lot of knowledge.
So friends, the Aryans felt that Hiranyakashyap was not falling for their tricks. What will we do if Hiranyakashipu does not let us take him to our palace? After this brainwashing was done. When you hear the name ‘Bhakta Prahlad’, even the devotees use it, then it was Prahlad who was brainwashed, who was the younger son of Hiranyakashyap, he was told that no, he is equal to Vishnu Maharaj. Don’t listen to Hiranyakashipu and the conversation went like this. Prahlad was brainwashed. After that Prahlad started singing praises of the Aryan gods. Hiranyakashyap did not like this thing, so Hiranyakashyap said that son, if you want to live in this palace then leave this matter and adopt the path of some virtue. But his son was brainwashed. Whenever his son went out to study, he was brainwashed that he was your god.This is your God. Whatever your father says, whatever the devil your father says, is wrong. This story which is told is told by our tribal people in Gondi culture. In this story Hiranyakashipu did not harm his son at all. Neither was it pushed from anywhere nor was it burnt from anywhere. But the story tells something different that it was the father who tortured the son. This does not exist in our tribal culture. This became the matter of devotee Prahlad. But when these people came to the court at night posing as sages, they created a ruckus. Hiranyakashipu was strangled to death with the weapons the sage had and his stomach was torn open. Hiranyakashyap was killed. From the place of rebuke, when Hiranyakashipu was sleeping at night, Hiranyakashipu’s wife and all the other people were killed. Through these Aryans, Hiranyakashyap again had a sister whose name was Holika. It is said that Holi was very beautiful and formless. Hiranyakashyap’s sister was raped overnight. He was stripped and burnt. Even after the rape and the burning of Holika, the tribal people still say that they will not burn Holi. Another scientific reason behind this is that tribal people never want destruction of trees. That’s why this Holi is not lit. There is an argument that Holika was our tribal woman who was raped and burnt. That is why tribals do not burn Holika. If you have seen in many cities, on the day of Holi, a huge idol of Holika is taken around the city, there are countless such stories in which Holika idol is placed and worshipped.
Friends, Daitya, Asur, Rakshas, these names which were given by Aryans, these names were given to the tribals and understand this history. If someone comments after seeing this post that brother, you are saying this wrong. There is a legend in the tribal community that whenever I go to Chhattisgarh and MP, I sit among the elderly people. I listen to them and after listening to them I see that their stories are not in any book. But these people behave according to their stories. So friends, it was necessary to bring this story before you because it is important to tell what Hiranya Kashyap has to say. He is completely different about devotee Prahlad. Our people know that Prahlad was a devotee but no one told that Hiranyakashyap was a good and revolutionary king. That’s why friends, there are many such tribal communities. I will tell you that there are more than 700 castes in this India. There are 700 stories among the 700 castes of the tribals. You can hear where this narrative is coming from. Mahishasura was also our king, Hiranyakashyap was also our king and King Ravana, Gond, King Ravana were also our kings. So I will tell everyone. Keep listening to history, keep reading it, if it is not in the books then listen to it from your elders. Listen to their legend, write it down because if we do not write it down, our history will be lost somewhere. So friends, if you understood this Holikawali story, then you can comment and tell how you liked this story and I will keep bringing such topics and similar posts. See you with the next topic, next post till then like.
Jai Johar, Jai Adivasi.